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My favorite math project was the "Plan a Party" project. In the project, you were supposed to plan a "party" by researching items such as food and decorations for the party. The items that you "buy" are put into your budget list that you add up to see how much money you have spent. You are given a certain amount of money, so during the project, you have to be careful about that you buy. After doing all of the research that you need, you would either put all of your information on a poster board, or you could have an online presentation. The main objective of the project was to stay on your budget list, and gather decorations that would fit your theme to plan an amazing "party".


Doing this project was very fun. I really like finding decorations, food, and activities for the "party". It was very interesting because you couldn't just buy whatever you want, you had to stay on a budget, and I think that I worked well on the budget.


I chose this project because I wanted to imagine myself actually planning a party and how hard it is to stay on a budget, and I think I did pretty well staying on a budget. This project helped me learn how to stay on a budget, and to not over do things and buy whatever you want that you don't need.  I know that I will need to stay on a budget sometime later on, so doing this project is going to help me get a head start.

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