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    One of my favorite projects in Language Arts is "The Hero's Journey" project. This project was inspried by the Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief book. For this project, we had to write and plan out a story of our choice that involved the main character to be the hero. The story had to require a lot of elements, but we were able to  use our imagination and creativity to write an amazing story. All of the stories didn't need to follow a prompt and we could write our story in any way that we wanted. Once done with the rough draft of our stories, we then transferred our story onto Bookemon, an online website where you can make your own e-book.


  During the project, I was able to learn a lot from just being an author of a story. Also, from planning out ideas to making the final touches on the story, I had a lot of fun going through the whole process of how stories are written and how every little detail that you add changes the story.


  This project shows my achievement because I learned a lot from planning out the story to writing it and during the project, I finally got the feeling what authors feel like when they know that they wrote something that other people would enjoy. Personally, I like writing, so the project let me use my imagination and creativity write whatever I wished. I was also able to learn new ways to write my story to make it better. Overall, this project not only helped me learn new things that I hadn't known before, it was a way for me to use my imagination.


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