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     A project that I have accomplished in math that I am proud of is the "Charity Fair Project." The basic overview of this project is you create a product, such as stuffed animals or greeting cards. The product can also be as simple as making cupcakes or cookies. Then, you create a presentation about the charity you want the money to go to, and the basic information about your product. After making your product, you then sell them to the public. All the money that is raised goes to a charity. For this project, my partner and I decided to make mini plushies. The name of our product was "Puff Puff Plushies."


     The plushies were made out of fluffy socks, which was our take on making plushies. I would say that these plushies were not very hard to make, and I had a lot of fun making them. On the night that we were selling the plushies, I was a litle nervous that my partner and I wouldn't make enough money from the plushies, which were $2 each, but we ended up selling out within the first 10 minutes that the Charity Far started.


     This project shows my accomplishment because I was able to create a product, and learn what it meant to make profit from sales, and advertise the charity that that I wanted the money to go. I have done this project in the past, and looking back on the work I did last year, and the work that I have done this year, I feel like my skills in doing projects like this have grown, and I have developed new ways and ideas to make my product and presentation successful.

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